Saturday, July 4, 2009

Filipino Women "Filipina"

Filipina or Filipino women enjoy the greatest freedom and the highest status among the women of Asia. Economically, socially, and politically they are considered as the equal of men. They were the first Asian women to enjoy the right of suffrage or the right to vote in election and to be elected in the public office. All professions are open to them, and in some ways, they even enjoy a decisive advantage over males due to the high status of respect accorded in women in the Philippines.

Ever since in prehispanic times, when women in Asian countries were regarded as inferior beings, or worse, as beast of chattel in , Filipino women have traditionally occupied a high place in society. Even westeners who examine Philippine culture marvel at the qualities of Filipinas, Spanish writters of many era already noted that Filipinas were charmingly modest, religious and moral. They tend to be faithful in their husband and devoted to their children

Filipina women are also distinguished for their beauty. Evidently the blending of Asian, Mexican, Spanish and American blood makes the "mestiza" type of Eurasian Filipina glamorously lovely and talented, enabling many of them to win in various international beauty competition.

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